I'm trying to learn JS and got an issue.
I tried many things and googled but all in vain. Following piece of code doesn't work as expected. I should get value of i
on click but it always returns 6. I'm pulling my hair out; please help.
for (var i = 1; i < 6; i++) {
$("#div" + i).click(
function() {
This is a classic JavaScript closure problem. Reference to the i
object is being stored in the click handler closure, rather than the actual value of i
Every single click handler will refer to the same object because there’s only one counter object which holds 6 so you get six on each click.
The workaround is to wrap this in an anonymous function and pass i as argument. Primitives are copied by value in function calls.
for(var i=1; i<6; i++) {
(function (i) {
$("#div" + i).click(
function () { alert(i); }
Or you can use 'let' instead var
to declare i
. let
gives you fresh binding each time. It can only be used in ECMAScript 6 strict mode
'use strict';
for(let i=1; i<6; i++) {
$("#div" + i).click(
function () { alert(i); }