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Coerce a ByteArrayInputStream to InputStream

I have some code that does:

content = Java::byte[s].new
f =, 0, s)
content_stream =

So far, so good

But when I try to use a method that only takes an InputStream, like so:

metadata = ImageMetadataReader.readMetadata(content_stream)

I get the following exception:

NameError: no method 'readMetadata' for arguments ( on Java::ComDrewImaging::ImageMetadataReader

I've tried using content_stream.to_java( and that still generates the same error. Any ideas?


  • The single-argument readMetadata() takes a file; there is a two-argument that takes a *Buffered*InputStream and a boolean. You could wrap your ByteArrayInputStream in a BufferedInputStream and decide whether you want to 'waitForBytes', whatever that means...