I have this html code, which reside in db and I want to parse it in pdf. I am using itext for pdf generation. here is the html in db:
<p>no note.</p><br>
<li><span style="text-decoration: underline;">third</span></li><br>
and here is what is parsed and inserted into pdf:
<p>no note.</p><br>
<span style="text-decoration: underline;">third</span><br>
and also here is my code to parse the html into pdf:
org.jsoup.nodes.Document doc = Jsoup.parse(text);
List<Element> objects;
objects = HTMLWorker.parseToList(new StringReader(doc.outerHtml()), null);
for (Element object : objects) {
Element ele = (Element) object;
as can be seen numbers and bullet are not shown (which are "ol" and "li" tags in html). How to solve this?
For more clarification. Here is the text I have in html:
and here is the note inserted into pdf:
my friend just solved it:
XMLWorkerHelper.getInstance().parseXHtml(new XHtmlElementHandler(document), new StringReader(text));
simple :)