I've noticed RAII has been getting lots of attention on Stackoverflow, but in my circles (mostly C++) RAII is so obvious its like asking what's a class or a destructor.
So I'm really curious if that's because I'm surrounded daily, by hard-core C++ programmers, and RAII just isn't that well known in general (including C++), or if all this questioning on Stackoverflow is due to the fact that I'm now in contact with programmers that didn't grow up with C++, and in other languages people just don't use/know about RAII?
For people who are commenting in this thread about RAII (resource acquisition is initialisation), here's a motivational example.
class StdioFile {
FILE* file_;
std::string mode_;
static FILE* fcheck(FILE* stream) {
if (!stream)
throw std::runtime_error("Cannot open file");
return stream;
FILE* fdup() const {
int dupfd(dup(fileno(file_)));
if (dupfd == -1)
throw std::runtime_error("Cannot dup file descriptor");
return fdopen(dupfd, mode_.c_str());
StdioFile(char const* name, char const* mode)
: file_(fcheck(fopen(name, mode))), mode_(mode)
StdioFile(StdioFile const& rhs)
: file_(fcheck(rhs.fdup())), mode_(rhs.mode_)
StdioFile& operator=(StdioFile const& rhs) {
FILE* dupstr = fcheck(rhs.fdup());
if (fclose(file_) == EOF) {
fclose(dupstr); // XXX ignore failed close
throw std::runtime_error("Cannot close stream");
file_ = dupstr;
return *this;
read(std::vector<char>& buffer)
int result(fread(&buffer[0], 1, buffer.size(), file_));
if (ferror(file_))
throw std::runtime_error(strerror(errno));
return result;
write(std::vector<char> const& buffer)
int result(fwrite(&buffer[0], 1, buffer.size(), file_));
if (ferror(file_))
throw std::runtime_error(strerror(errno));
return result;
main(int argc, char** argv)
StdioFile file(argv[1], "r");
std::vector<char> buffer(1024);
while (int hasRead = file.read(buffer)) {
// process hasRead bytes, then shift them off the buffer
Here, when a StdioFile
instance is created, the resource (a file stream, in this case) is acquired; when it's destroyed, the resource is released. There is no try
or finally
block required; if the reading causes an exception, fclose
is called automatically, because it's in the destructor.
The destructor is guaranteed to be called when the function leaves main
, whether normally or by exception. In this case, the file stream is cleaned up. The world is safe once again. :-D