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ModelSim VHDL real simulation time estimation

I want to get the VHDL simulation time of a model with a testbench. I work in ModelSim and know that the profiler of ModelSim supports performance analyzation, but it is not the information I want.

The time consuming not means the simulation steps, it is the real time running on my computer. I am looking for sentences in VHDL or commands in ModelSim or other third party tools.


  • Modelsim has a tcl interpreter running, so you can use that.

    The clock seconds function is probably a good start, store the value at the beginning and at the end and subtract them.

    TCL tutorial starts here.

    For example (Caveat lector: I'm no TCL expert, and it's been a long time since I wrote any at all :)

    set start [clock seconds]      # store the start time
    run -all                       # run the simulation assuming it terminates when finished!
    set finish [clock seconds]     # store the end time
    puts [ expr {finish - start} ] # print out the difference