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Convert a Flowdocument to XML and XML to Flowdocument

I use the Code from here(Answer from Wiimax) to convert my FlowDocument to XML and convert it back to FlowDocument. But now i have some Problems here.

My Code for the convert:

public static bool IsFlowDocument(this string xamlString)
            if (xamlString == null || xamlString == "")
                throw new ArgumentNullException();

            if (xamlString.StartsWith("<") && xamlString.EndsWith(">"))
                XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument();
                    xml.LoadXml(string.Format("<Root>{0}</Root>", xamlString));
                    return true;
                catch (XmlException)
                    return false;
            return false;

        public static FlowDocument toFlowDocument(this string xamlString)
            if (IsFlowDocument(xamlString))
                var stringReader = new StringReader(xamlString);
                var xmlReader = System.Xml.XmlReader.Create(stringReader);

                return XamlReader.Load(xmlReader) as FlowDocument;
                Paragraph myParagraph = new Paragraph();
                myParagraph.Inlines.Add(new Run(xamlString));
                FlowDocument myFlowDocument = new FlowDocument();

                return myFlowDocument;

I enter this code(as example, its not the code, which i use in my program):

My code

And after convert i get back this code:

My code

You see that some blank were skipped. And after the namespace there was add a { } I looked at the converted XML String, there are no blank skipped, but the { } is their to

Do someone know how to fix that or see a fail from me?


  • curly Braces:

    this is because of Binding-Syntax and WPF (Xamlreader and XamlWriter) wants to help you ;).

    When in your XAML-Code is something like

    <Run Text="{" />

    the Xaml-Engine first assumes a binding. Since there is no and depending on how you create your FlowDocument the '{' is Escaped to '{}{'

    One Workaround is, that you put your curly brace like this:


    another workaround is to avoid that the curly brace is the first character:

    <Run Text=" {" />

    spaces: There is an attribute which comes in handy:

    <Run xml:space="preserve">some                   Space</Run>

    this isn't a Xaml but an XML attribute which is handled by the Xaml-Engine.