I'm reading some data from Android calendar and sometimes I got strange crash reports from users like:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Couldn't read row 384, col 47 from CursorWindow.
Make sure the Cursor is initialized correctly before accessing data from it.
My code is here (bold is line where app crashes):
Cursor eventCursor = contentResolver.query
CalendarContract.Instances.CALENDAR_ID + " IN (" + ids + ")",
if (eventCursor == null)
return true;
while (eventCursor.moveToNext()) { //this line causecrash
... do something...
Why this happens? It can't be simulated. It never ever happened to me and I just can't understand reason nor the error message.
In the beginning of your iteration use eventCursor.moveToFirst()
to move to the first row. You may use something like this:
if (eventCursor != null) {
//Start from beginning
// Loop over rows
while (eventCursor.moveToNext()) {
// Do Somehing here
You can also check whether the Cursor has rows or not by using eventCursor.getCount()