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Backstretch copy output from loop to a DIV

I have a full screen background slideshow powered by the Backstretch script. I'm trying to create a caption for each slide and would like to display the information in

<span class="cap"></span>

inside of

<div class="caption"></div>

The span is part of a list that populates the slideshow and is hidden.

Here is a jsfiddle of what I have so far.

Thanks for any advice or help.


  • You can use the event as you suggest in you fiddle like a get the cap element array.

    Backstretch will fire a "" event everytime a new image loads, triggering a function that is passed the event and Backstetch instance. If you listen for that event, you can, for example, coordinate other changes to coincide with your slideshow.


    // coordinating image captions with slides
    $(b).on('', function() {

    Here is a working fiddle: