I'm trying to send a notification to my pebble watch. I'm using this code, which is basically the example from the website:
public void sendPebble(String title, String body) {
final Intent i = new Intent("com.getpebble.action.SEND_NOTIFICATION");
final Map<String, String> data = new HashMap<String, String>();
data.put("title", title);
data.put("body", body);
final JSONObject jsonData = new JSONObject(data);
final String notificationData = new JSONArray().put(jsonData).toString();
i.putExtra("messageType", "PEBBLE_ALERT");
i.putExtra("sender", "Test");
i.putExtra("notificationData", notificationData);
Log.d("Test", "Sending to Pebble: " + notificationData);
I'm getting the message in LogCat, but no notification on the watch. The procedure seems simple enough, is there something too obvious I missed? Or is the documentation just incomplete?
Edit: The obvious questions:
Okay, this was my problem:
By default the Pebble app only sends notifications to the watch while the screen of the phone is off. For development I always have the screen active while the phone is connected via USB. So, the solution was: Enable the "Always send Notifications" option in the Pebble app.
Maybe this spares someone else a headache.