Ok, like with everything I find it easier to learn when jumping into the deep end (Java, PHP, Air Traffic Controlling) I just try not to kill anybody in the process; however, I cannot find any information of how to specifically position a slider (JSlider)... I want to add it to my JPanel and at the stage I am at, setBounds would be the most logical but it doesn't like it!
I have set up the slider as follows
sensitivitySlider = new JSlider (sensitivitySlider.HORIZONTAL, 1, 1000, 500);
and initiated the variable at the beginning of the program, no problems compiling and too much of a brief (easy to most) question to find a definitive answer from googling.
Sorry if this is a little bit dumb
Essentially the problem was that I was not placing it on a panel, I was trying to position it directly on the main frame however I was calling for it to be placed on the mainPanel which didnt exist. Sorry for wasting server space without properly checking for the errors myself...