This is my Jelly Script to perform IssueLinking in Jira 4.2...This works fine when trying to ru directly in Jira4.2.
<JiraJelly xmlns:jira="jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.JiraTagLib">
<jira:Login username="jiraloginname" password="jirapwd">
<jira:LinkIssue key="issuekey1" linkKey="issuekey2" linkDesc="duplicates"/>
This is my Java Code to call the JellyScript and Execute. But this throws some exception.
JellyContext context = new JellyContext();
Writer objWriter = new StringWriter();
XMLWriter xmlWriter = new XMLWriter(objWriter);
XMLOutput objOut = XMLOutput.createXMLOutput(objWriter);
context.runScript("IssueLinking-Jelly.jelly", objOut);
When this code is executed, the following exceptions are caught.
org.apache.commons.jelly.JellyTagException: <jira:Login> com.atlassian.jira.jelly.tag.login.Login doesn't have any satisfiable constructors. Unsatisfiable dependencies: [[interface]]
Caused by: org.picocontainer.defaults.UnsatisfiableDependenciesException: com.atlassian.jira.jelly.tag.login.Login doesn't have any satisfiable constructors. Unsatisfiable dependencies: [[interface]]
The same issue linking functionality was fixed using Http Post method to the LinkExistingIssue page in JIRA.