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How can I insert a bullet (<li>) element in Markdown-formatted YARD documentation

I am using YARDoc with Markdown to document my Ruby code, and want to have an unordered list (HTML "bullets") in the documentation for a method. Here's what I have so far:

$ cat file.rb
class Foo
  # Returns "foo", which consists of the letters:
  # * f
  # * o
  # * o
  def method; "foo"; end

And I'm generating documentation using:

$ yard doc --markup markdown file.rb

But it does not generate HTML bullets, it treats the asterisks (*) as literal characters. The resulting doc/Foo.html file contains:

<span class="summary_desc"><div class='inline'><p>Returns &quot;foo&quot;,
which consists of the letters:
* f
* o
* o.</p>

How can I insert HTML bullets using Markdown in YARD? I essentially want each letter in the above output to be wrapped in <li>...</li>, and the list surrounded by a <ul> element.


  • I needed to have a blank line separating the first line of text and the start of the list:

    $ cat file.rb 
    class Foo
      # Returns "foo", which consists of the letters:
      # * f
      # * o
      # * o
      def method; "foo"; end

    which produces:

    <div class="discussion">
      <p>Returns &quot;foo&quot;, which consists of the letters:</p>