Using ExtJs 4.2 with MVC pattern
I am trying to make a custom model, store, proxy, reader, writer but am having problems getting it to work in the MVC pattern. I followed this example to extend a model and I can see it working only if it is not used in the MVC way.
My store refers to a model such as Contacts defined in the model property, then Contacts refers to custom model WakandaModel using the model property. But when I create my store which refers to Contacts none of the model properties or proxy defined in the custom WakandaModel is brought over to the stores model.
Here is my code, I have left comments in so you can see what I have attempted to try. Thanks for any help!
App Code
enabled : true,
paths : {
'Ext.ux' : "lib/extux",
'Wakanda' : "lib/extux/wakanda"
name : 'SimplyFundraising',
autoCreateViewport : true,
requires : ['Ext.ux.Router', // Require the UX
controllers : ['Contacts'],
Custom Model
Ext.define('Wakanda.Model', {
extend: '',
idProperty: '__KEY',
stampProperty: '__STAMP',
defaultProxyType: 'wakanda',
onClassExtended: function(cls, data) {
// debugger;
// cls.apply(this)
// var parts = data.$className.split('.');
// var entity = parts[2]
// var catalog = this.prototype.getCatalog(entity),
// attributes = catalog.attributes;
// for (var i = 0, l = attributes.length; i < l; i++) {
// if (attributes[i].name === 'ID') {
// attributes[i].persist = false;
// }
// }
// attributes.push({name: this.prototype.idProperty});
// attributes.push({name: this.prototype.stampProperty});
// // data.fields = attributes;
// // debugger;
// //this.setFields(data.fields)
// // var mymodel = Ext.ModelManager.getModel(data.$className);
// debugger;
// Ext.appy(this);
// //this.superclass.superclass.$onExtended.apply(this, arguments);
getCatalog: function(className) {
var catalog;
async: false,
url: '$catalog/' + className,
success: function(response) {
catalog = Ext.decode(response.responseText);
return catalog;
Custom proxy
Ext.define('Wakanda.Proxy', {
extend: '',
// alternateClassName: '',
alias : 'proxy.wakanda',
sortParam: '$orderby',
filterParam: '$filter',
startParam: '$skip',
limitParam: '$top',
// groupersParam: '$group',
reader: 'wakanda',
writer: 'wakanda',
actionMethods: {
create : 'POST',
read : 'GET',
update : 'POST',
destroy: 'POST'
buildUrl: function(request) {
var modelName = this.model.modelName,
operation = request.operation,
records = operation.records || [],
record = records[0],
id = record ? record.getId() :,
url = '/cors/' + modelName,
action = request.action;
if (this.appendId && id && (action === 'read' || action === 'destroy')) {
url += '(' + id + ')';
request.url = url;
// console.log("buildUrl", this, arguments, request.url);
if (action !== 'read') {
if (action === 'create') action = 'update';
else if (action === 'destroy') action = 'delete';
url = Ext.urlAppend(url, '$method=' + action);
if (this.noCache) {
url = Ext.urlAppend(url, Ext.String.format("{0}={1}", this.cacheString,;
return url;
encodeSorters: function(sorters) {
var min = [],
length = sorters.length,
i = 0, sort = '';
for (; i < length; i++) {
sort += sorters[i].property + ' ' + sorters[i].direction + ' ';
return sort;
encodeFilters: function(filters) {
var min = [],
length = filters.length,
i = 0, filter = '';
for (; i < length; i++) {
filter += filters[i].property + ' eq ' + filters[i].value + '@ ';
return filter;
Custom reader
Ext.define('Wakanda.reader', {
extend: '',
//alternateClassName: '',
alias : 'reader.wakanda',
root: '__ENTITIES',
totalProperty: '__COUNT',
getData: function(data) {
if (Ext.isObject(data) && !data[this.root]) {
data = [data];
return data;
Custom writer
Ext.define('Wakanda.writer', {
extend: '',
// alternateClassName: '',
alias: 'writer.wakanda',
writeAllFields: false,
getRecordData: function(record) {
var isPhantom = record.phantom === true,
writeAll = this.writeAllFields || isPhantom,
nameProperty = this.nameProperty,
fields = record.fields,
data = {},
if (writeAll) {
// console.log("getRecordData1", this, arguments);
if (field.persist) {
name = field[nameProperty] ||;
data[name] = record.get(;
} else {
} else {
changes = record.getChanges();
// console.log("getRecordData2", this, arguments, changes);
for (key in changes) {
if (changes.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
field = fields.get(key);
name = field[nameProperty] ||;
data[name] = changes[key];
if (!isPhantom) {
data[record.idProperty] = record.getId();
data[record.stampProperty] = record.get(record.stampProperty);
return {'__ENTITIES': [data]};
Contacts Model
Ext.define('SimplyFundraising.model.Contact', {
extend : 'Wakanda.Model' ,
//constructor: function() {
//alert(“Going to call parent’s overriden constructor…”);
// this.callParent(arguments);
// return this;
// }
Contacts Store
Ext.define('', {
extend : '',
model : 'SimplyFundraising.model.Contact',
autoLoad : true,
autoSync : true,
// constructor: function() {
// this.model = Ext.create('SimplyFundraising.model.Contact')
//alert(“Going to call parent’s overriden constructor…”);
// this.callParent(arguments);
return this;
// }
Contacts Controller
Ext.define('SimplyFundraising.controller.Contacts', {
extend : '',
models : ['Contact'],
views : ['contacts.List', 'contacts.Edit'],
init : function() {
'contactslist' : {
itemdblclick : this.editContact,
removeitem : this.removeContact
'contactslist > toolbar > button[action=create]' : {
click : this.onCreateContact
// 'contactsadd button[action=save]': {
// click: this.doCreateContact
// },
'contactsedit button[action=save]' : {
click : this.updateContact
list : function() {
// var mystore = Ext.StoreMgr.lookup('Contacts');
// var myContact = this.getModel('Contact')
// var User = this.getModel('User');
// var mystore = Ext.create('')
// var myContact = this.getModel('Contact').create()
// var bb = myContact.create()
// var rr = Ext.create('SimplyFundraising.model.Contact')
var mystore = Ext.create('')
// = + '(17)'
//mystore.proxy.extraParams = { $expand: 'ContactType'};
//var test = Ext.ModelManager.getModel('Contact');
// //var User = this.getContactModel();
// User.load(258, {
// success: function(user) {
// console.log("Loaded user 258: " + user.get('lastName'));
// }
// });
editContact : function(grid, record) {
var view = Ext.widget('contactsedit');
this.addnew = false
removeContact : function(Contact) {
Ext.Msg.confirm('Remove Contact ' +, 'Are you sure?', function(button) {
if (button == 'yes') {
}, this);
onCreateContact : function() {
var view = Ext.widget('contactsedit');
this.addnew = true
// doCreateContact: function (button) {
// var win = button.up('window'),
// form = win.down('form'),
// values = form.getValues(),
// store = this.getContactsStore();
// if (form.getForm().isValid()) {
// store.add(values);
// win.close();
// }
// },
updateContact : function(button) {
var win = button.up('window'), form = win.down('form'), record = form.getRecord(), values = form.getValues(), store = this.getContactsStore();
if (form.getForm().isValid()) {
if (this.addnew == true) {
} else {
I got this working now:
It looks like my custom wakanda model,proxy,reader,writer where not loading. Still a bit confused on how MVC references classes and loads files and instantiates classes, which I asked in other question.
Any way the fix was to add a requires to the custom wakanda model and proxy
For the Wakanda model add requires: ['Wakanda.proxy']
For Wakanda proxy add requires: ['Wakanda.reader', 'Wakanda.writer']
now the inheritance is working as expected.