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How can I download a XML #document generated by DOMparser?

Good morning.

I have a webpage with a form that generates a XML Document with DOMparser(). That's the function to get the XML:

function textToXML(text) {
    try {
        var xml = null;

        if (window.DOMParser) {
            var parser = new DOMParser();
            xml = parser.parseFromString(text, "application/xml");
            var found = xml.getElementsByTagName("parsererror");
            if (!found || !found.length || !found[0].childNodes.length) {
                return xml;
            return null;
        } else {
            xml = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
            xml.async = false;
            return xml;
    } catch (e) {
        // suppress

And I get a XML document like (displayed on console.log()): XML document obtained (pixelated to don't show data)

And I don't know how could I download it now, I have tried with

location.href='data:application/download,' + encodeURIComponent(xmlFile)

but the downloaded file just show something like "[object] Object".


  • I GOT IT. Finally I was searching for a plugin and I got this !! I hope it help somebody more than me! Thanks for try to help me!