I want to take some metadata using my imdb pro account.
The page that I'm going to look for is this:
https://pro-labs.imdb.com/title/{IMDB ID}
I try to open the link with Jsoup, but it returns the following error:
java.io.IOException: 403 error loading URL http://pro.imdb.com/signup/v4/login?u=https://pro-labs.imdb.com/title/{IMDB ID}.
This is because I am not logged.
This is the login page: https://secure.imdb.com/signup/v4/login.
How can I make a request to include my log in info?
Jsoup is has only a limited support of login / authentication. Better you use another library (recommendation: Apache HttpClient) to do this.
In general you then can do these steps: