I'm trying to deploy my app and getting this error with capistrano deploy:cold
. Any ideas?
My environment includes ubuntu 12.10
, postgresql
, rbenv-installer
, unicorn
* executing "cd /home/deployer/apps/microv/releases/20130210112032 && bundle install --gemfile /home/deployer/apps/microv/releases/20130210112032/Gemfile --path /home/deployer/apps/microv/shared/bundle --deployment --quiet --without development test"
servers: ["192.xx.xxx.xxx"]
[192.xx.xxx.xxx] executing command
** [out :: 192.xx.xxx.xxx] sh: 1: bundle: not found
command finished in 228ms
*** [deploy:update_code] rolling back
* executing "rm -rf /home/deployer/apps/microv/releases/20130210112032; true"
servers: ["192.xx.xxx.xxx"]
[192.xx.xxx.xxx] executing command
command finished in 227ms
failed: "sh -c 'cd /home/deployer/apps/microv/releases/20130210112032 && bundle install --gemfile /home/deployer/apps/microv/releases/20130210112032/Gemfile --path /home/deployer/apps/microv/shared/bundle --deployment --quiet --without development test'" on 192.xx.xxx.xxx
Find solution add this at the top of deploy.rb require "bundler/capistrano" set :default_environment, { 'PATH' => "$HOME/.rbenv/shims:$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH" }