I was reading How Good C# Habits can Encourage Bad JavaScript Habits article about creating namespace
and modular pattern but I don't understand the reason to use $
and jQuery
to create the namespace. Look at this code:
(function( skillet, $, undefined ) {
//Private Property
var isHot = true;
//Public Property
skillet.ingredient = "Bacon Strips";
//Public Method
skillet.fry = function() {
var oliveOil;
addItem( "\t\n Butter \n\t" );
addItem( oliveOil );
console.log( "Frying " + skillet.ingredient );
//Private Method
function addItem( item ) {
if ( item !== undefined ) {
console.log( "Adding " + $.trim(item) );
}( window.skillet = window.skillet || {}, jQuery ));
Why is it sending $
as parameter and then calling it with jQuery
When you load the jQuery library, it binds two global symbols to a reference to the main function: "jQuery" and "$". Some other libraries also want to use "$", however, so jQuery provides a way to unbind "$" and restore it to whatever it was prior to loading jQuery. By using the technique in your example, you can use "$" in the code whether or not the global "$" refers to jQuery.
edit — that very article you referenced explains it similarly:
The second argument passed [is] jQuery. The benefit of this is that the named parameter is referenced as $, which allows us to refer to jQuery as $ within the Anonymous Function without having to worry that it will conflict with the $ declared in other JavaScript libraries. This is a common practice that you will most likely run across when looking at well written jQuery code.