I have a really simple Print function in my application that prints the contents of a Jtextpane. I want to set the default page size to A4 but after searching around I find lots of ways that involve book and document formater etc, I want to keep this as simple as possible.
My code currently is:
public void printy(){
JTextPane jtp = new JTextPane();
try {
// open the file we have just decrypted
File myFile = new File(deletefile + "mx.txt");
FileInputStream fIn = new FileInputStream(myFile);
BufferedReader myReader = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(fIn));
String aDataRow = "";
String aBuffer = "";
while ((aDataRow = myReader.readLine()) != null) {
aBuffer += aDataRow + "\n";
String[] splitdata = aBuffer.split("`"); //recover the file and split it based on `
String lines = "";
for(String line : splitdata){
lines = lines + line + System.getProperty("line.separator") + System.getProperty("line.separator");
boolean show = true;
try {
//set the header and footer data here
MessageFormat headerFormat = new MessageFormat("HEADER HERE");
MessageFormat footerFormat = new MessageFormat("FOOTER HERE");
Paper A4 = new Paper();
A4.setSize(595, 842);
A4.setImageableArea(43, 43, 509, 756);
jtp.print(headerFormat, footerFormat, show, null, null, show);
} catch (java.awt.print.PrinterException ex) {
} catch (Exception ez) {
System.out.println("error in array building");
I have set the A4 paper size but don't know how to set it in the .print attributes for the JtextPane.
Thanks for the help;
Actually after trying the link provided by StanislavL I found in the oracle guides what I consider to be a better way of solving my problem, the code I went with was;
public void printy(){
JTextPane jtp = new JTextPane();
try {
// open the file we have just decrypted
File myFile = new File(deletefile + "mx.txt");
FileInputStream fIn = new FileInputStream(myFile);
BufferedReader myReader = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(fIn));
String aDataRow = "";
String aBuffer = "";
while ((aDataRow = myReader.readLine()) != null) {
aBuffer += aDataRow + "\n";
String[] splitdata = aBuffer.split("`"); //recover the file and split it based on `
String lines = "";
for(String line : splitdata){
lines = lines + line + System.getProperty("line.separator") + System.getProperty("line.separator");
boolean show = true;
try {
//set the header and footer data here
MessageFormat headerFormat = new MessageFormat("Your header here - {0}"); //sets the page number
MessageFormat footerFormat = new MessageFormat("Your footer here");
PrintRequestAttributeSet attr_set = new HashPrintRequestAttributeSet();
jtp.print(headerFormat, footerFormat, show, null, attr_set, show);
} catch (java.awt.print.PrinterException ex) {
} catch (Exception ez) {
System.out.println("error in array building");
Hope this helps someone else, not saying its perfect but it does work nicely and adds duplex by default.