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Why the function doesn't return the value?

I have a javaScript function that use library Buckets and it should return the value to html. I used console.log to see data inside the function and it's not null. But on the html, it said "undefined".

This is my js code :

function transformToStruct(xmlData) 
    var data = xmlData.item;
    var myReturn;
    $.getScript("buckets-minified.js", function() 
        var treeData = new buckets.MultiDictionary();
        $.each(data, function(i,val) 
            if(typeof data == 'object') 
                $.each(val, function(j, childVal) 
                    var dict = new buckets.Dictionary();
                    dict.set(val["NodeId"]["#text"], val["NodeText"]["#text"]);
                    treeData.set(val["ParentId"]["#text"], dict);

        return treeData;        

This is on the html page that I call transformToStruct function :

var myGTP = new buckets.MultiDictionary();

    url: "http://frparlself6.dhcp.par.xxxx.corp:8000/com/sap/st/ltst/LTST_Backend/frontAccess/example.xsjs?structureId=" + structureId,
    dataType : 'jsonp',
}).always(function() {      
    var sXml = _JSONFromHANA.body
    var xmlData = $.parseXML(sXml);
    var xml = xmlToJson(xmlData);
    var items = xml["soap-env:Envelope"]["soap-env:Body"]["n0:_-qte_-rfcReadStrucNodesResponse"]["EtNodes"];
    myGTP = transformToStruct(items);

Any ideas?


  • treeData is the return value of an anonymous function that you pass as an argument to the function getScript. Your function transformToStruct doesn't actually have an own return value, so it's not surprising that it is undefined. Since getScript works asynchronously you could use a callback instead of a return value:

    function transformToStruct(xmlData, callback) 
    var data = xmlData.item;
    var myReturn;
    $.getScript("buckets-minified.js", function() 
        var treeData = new buckets.MultiDictionary();
        $.each(data, function(i,val) 
            if(typeof data == 'object') 
                $.each(val, function(j, childVal) 
                    var dict = new buckets.Dictionary();
                    dict.set(val["NodeId"]["#text"], val["NodeText"]["#text"]);
                    treeData.set(val["ParentId"]["#text"], dict);

    Your function call would then look like this:

    var myGTP = new buckets.MultiDictionary();
        url: "http://frparlself6.dhcp.par.xxxx.corp:8000/com/sap/st/ltst/LTST_Backend/frontAccess/example.xsjs?structureId=" + structureId,
        dataType : 'jsonp',
    }).always(function() {      
        var sXml = _JSONFromHANA.body
        var xmlData = $.parseXML(sXml);
        var xml = xmlToJson(xmlData);
        var items = xml["soap-env:Envelope"]["soap-env:Body"]["n0:_-qte_-rfcReadStrucNodesResponse"]["EtNodes"];
        transformToStruct(items, function(result) {
            myGTP = result;

    But as mentioned in the comments, you should probably read something about asynchronous functions first.