I'm a bit lost and getting real short in time.
I need to create something like this script
$(function () {
var i = 0;
$('#addButton').click(function () {
('<div class="clearfix">Ingredient Item <div id="editor2"><input style="float:left;" type="text" name="Ingredient[' + i + '].IngredientItem"/></div><div id="editor3"> Item Amount<input style="float:left;" type="text" name="Ingredient[' + i + '].ItemAmount"/></div>');
//Dif table..
('<div class="clearfix1">Instructions <div id="editor3"><input style="float:left;" type="text" name="Instructions[' + i + '].IntrusionStep"/></div><div id="editor4"> Cooking Time<input style="float:left;" type="text" name="Instructions[' + i + '].CookingTime"/></div>');
//& one more diff table here
I know this is not a good approach and far from best practice I didn’t find any example of using any better way to do it ( I'm complete novice as far as JavaScript or any scripting for this matter).
What i have understood is that you need to post your form from java-script code. You can make use of a jQuery post or an ajax post method here.
url: '<%=Url.Action("Create","YourController") %>',
type: 'post',
data: $(form).serialize(),
datatype: 'json',
success: function (result) {
// Handle code for success post
error : function (result) {
// Error condition
Now make your controller action accordingly to return json value back to your java-script code in the view