I have database with single table .Table contains around 7000 rows and only 3 columns including primary key.
When i use cursor operation it is blocking my UI.
You can refer these questions for that .
Now due to this , i am in a situation to try out a new thing if possible.
I want your clarification that if it is possible or not .
Question is : can we use more than one cursor to read data from database.
For example 7 cursor , each can read 1000 rows from table and meanwhile i show progress dialog .
So i complete this database operation when user is not using UI .
Let me know can this be done . If you provide some code snippet , it will be best.
Thank you for your time .
Multiple cursors should not be done, it would be a programming nightmare to manage. If the cursor is locking the UI then you should run database query within an ASyncTask, hopefully http://www.vogella.com/articles/AndroidBackgroundProcessing/article.html will help you to do an ASyncTask.
Any tasks that take a long time to complete, should always be done on a separate thread such as an ASyncTask otherwise the user will be presented with an ANR (Application Not Responding).