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Spring WebFlow - cancel request

The scenario is this:

a have some view-states. when an object in my conversationScope is in a certain state (e.g. not null) i want to prevent that the user can go back. by going back i mean: ether press the browser back button or manipulate the execution-parameter.

one way of "preventing" would be ignoring the request.

i have tried to implement a FlowExecutionListenerAdapter but this has only access to the requestContext, view and viewState

so the question is: what and how is the best way to to this? Handler, Listener or Interceptor.


  • okay i solved it pretty dirty, but i solved it:

    i wrote a FlowExecutionListenerAdapter implementation, which throws an Exception in the resuming phase if the criterias match.

    public void resuming(RequestContext context)
        if (!backwardNavigation)
            if (!context.getFlowExecutionContext().getActiveSession().getState().getId()
                throw new ConfirmationFinishRedirectException();

    and i catch the exception with a transition in the state where it is thrown.

    <transition on-exception="example.ConfirmationFinishRedirectException" to="finishState" bind="false" validate="false" history="discard"/>

    i got the idea for this solution from this site: SpringForum - Thread: FlowExecutionListener - how to intercept and redirect user