I've been working on a small webpage where I display a grid-view with database table records in. I also have an option for the user to add a record to the DB, or update an existing record.
Currently I use simple sql queries for all these and my db is small so it's fine for now. Though I would like to prepare myself for larger db's so I would like to implement caching to make the display, insert and update commands faster. I've read about two kinds of caches: in-process cache, and out-of-process cache.
Can someone please explain or refer me to an explanation about the difference between the two, and how to implement them with Azure in C#? Suppose I want the reads to be with in-proc cache and the writes with out-of-proc cache, can I do that?
Thanks in advance
I would recommend that you decide on the caching mechanism based on the application type and requirements.
Please go through the following links
Also please post additional details so that the community can look into and suggest the right approach. Also note the Appfabric also supports local caching. You can explore on that area also.