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Getting capital letters MASM x86

I am having some problems with getting the amount of uppercase letters in a string that will be passed in by a user. I have to write it in masm. My question is can i use an:

AND al, some bitstream

to get only capital letters? My code correctly gets the amount of lowercase letters, I just cant seem to figure out the capital letters. Also, this string has some random characters in it, such as: (<)>?$#@&. Is it as simple as that? or do I need a lot more logic to accomplish this?

Something like this?

jmp getNext         
getNext: mov al,[esi]
     cmp al,0
     je exitProc  ;exit loop
     cmp al,'a'
         jl noChange  ;increases my counters
         cmp al,'z'
         jle toUpperCase ;counts lowercase
         cmp AL,'A'  
         jl noChange 
         cmp AL,'Z' 
         jg noChange
         jl toCount  ;counts uppercase

I keep getting 0 as my answer and cannot figure out why. I am clearly very challenged by MASM.

It seems that my toCount never gets called. Instead the lines:

         cmp AL,'A'  
         jl noChange 
         cmp AL,'Z' 
         jl toCount  ;counts uppercase

Seem to only call noChange. Which is causing the value increased in toCount to never be called. I still cannot figure out what is wrong with this. It is the same exact thing as the test for the lowercase letter, except using the captial letters in the cmp.


  • What needs to be done is the following:

        cmp al,'A'  
        jl noChange ;inc counter
        cmp al,'Z' 
        jle toCount ;count uppercase
        cmp al,'a'
        jl noChange ;inc counter
        cmp al,'z'
        jle toUpperCase ;count lowercase

    In ASCII 'A' = 65 and 'Z' = 90. 'a' = 97 and 'z' = 122. My issue was that I was testing for the higher ASCII characters first, which would ignore any ASCII characters from 65-90 (A-Z).