I am going through Thinking in Java by Bruce Eckel 4th Edition. In the chapter Initialization & Cleanup, page : 189 the first bullet point in the second para mentions:
Even though it doesn't explicitly use the static keyword the constructor is actually a static method.
I have the following piece of code:
class Bar {
Bar() {
System.out.println("Bar Creation");
class Foo {
static int x = 10;
static Bar b = new Bar();
Foo() {
System.out.println("Foo Creation");
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
If what it says is true The constructor for Foo should have been called. I don't see that happening with the following piece of code.
The output is:
Bar Creation
Can someone clarify what does it mean?
I have tried my best to quote the book. I don't think the parts previous to that statement or after that have much relevance to this statement in context of the question.
There's no reason for Foo()
to be called just because you mentioned the class. Static initializers like static Bar b = new Bar();
are called when the class is loaded; static methods are called by your code.
I would guess that what the book means is that constructors are like static methods in that the dispatch is static: that is, there is no way to inherit and override a constructor, and a call site for a constructor, or a static method, always refers to some specific class determined at compile time.
(This staticness of constructors is the motivation for “factory” objects which construct objects in their instance methods.)