So I want to use java.awt.Color
for something, and I'd like to be able to write code like this:
(use 'java.awt.Color)
(= Color/BLUE (- Color/WHITE Color/RED Color/GREEN))
Looking at the core implementation of -
, it talks specifically about clojure.lang.Numbers
, which to me implies that there is nothing I do to 'hook' into the core implementation and extend it.
Looking around on the Internet, there seems to be two different things people do:
Write their own defn -
function, which only knows about the data type they're interested in. To use you'd probably end up prefixing a namespace, so something like:
(= Color/BLUE (scdf.color/- Color/WHITE Color/RED Color/GREEN))
Or alternatively use
ing the namespace and use clojure.core/-
when you want number math.
Code a special case into your -
implementation that passes through to clojure.core/-
when your implementation is passed a Number
Unfortunately, I don't like either of these. The first is probably the cleanest, as the second makes the presumption that the only things you care about doing maths on is their new datatype and numbers.
I'm new to Clojure, but shouldn't we be able to use Protocols or Multimethods here, so that when people create / use custom types they can 'extend' these functions so they work seemlessly? Is there a reason that +
etc doesn't support this? (or do they? They don't seem to from my reading of the code, but maybe I'm reading it wrong).
If I want to write my own extensions to common existing functions such as +
for other datatypes, how should I do it so it plays nicely with existing functions and potentially other datatypes?
The probable reason for not making arithmetic operation in core based on protocols (and making them only work of numbers) is performance. A protocol implementation require an additional lookup for choosing the correct implementation of the desired function. Although from design point of view it may feel nice to have protocol based implementations and extend them whenever required, but when you have a tight loop that does these operations many times (and this is very common use case with arithmetic operations) you will start feeling the performance issues because of the additional lookup on each operation that happen at runtime.
If you have separate implementation for your own data types (ex: color/-
) in their own namespace then it will be more performant due to a direct call to that function and it also make things more explicit and customizable for specific cases.
Another issue with these functions will be their variadic nature (i.e they can take any number of arguments). This is a serious issue in providing a protocol implementation as protocol extended type check only works on first parameter.