I can't compile the ActionBarSherlock Sample Demos code
I have imported the SampleList Project in to ADT (Build: v21.1.0-569685)
But I get lots of basic errors
Description Resource Path Location Type
ActionBar cannot be resolved to a type TabNavigation.java /SampleList/src/com/actionbarsherlock/sample/demos line 24 Java Problem
ActionBar cannot be resolved to a variable FeatureToggles.java /SampleList/src/com/actionbarsherlock/sample/demos line 141 Java Problem
ActionBar cannot be resolved to a variable FeatureToggles.java /SampleList/src/com/actionbarsherlock/sample/demos line 147 Java Problem
And also an error to the library location, I'm not sure why this is?
When I go to Properties -> Android -> the Library actionbarsherlock has a cross by it
OK, I found the answer to my own question really needed to ensure that
1.) the Library Actionbarsherlock has been created in the workspace and delete a duplicate android-support-v4.jar in that project
2.) Delete the original reference to the library Actionbarsherlock, in the samples project and re-add
3.) Then add android-support-v4.jar to a new libs folder
Detailed steps for this are:
Import ‘JakeWharton-ActionBarSherlock-4.3.1-0/Actionbarsherlock’ as an android project
Delete the Android Dependencies ‘android-support-v4.jar’ in the actionbarsherlock project. As this there is already a reference to this in samples project. Clean all projects
In the project wanting to use Actionbarsherlock in this case the sample ‘actionbarsherlock-samples’ Go to Project Properties -> Android -> remove any broken references to the ‘actionbarsherlock’ library , then add the library project The library project ‘Actionbarsherlock ‘ still has errors in it then
So, what I did to fix it, was: