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Returning multiple types

The following code snippet is of a game, the compiler is complaining about the return values so I would like some feedback on how to otherwise do this trick to let a function return two different types based on the type put in but without overloading

template <typename T>
T GetTimeDead(uint64 Guid)
    bool stringOutput;
    if(typeid(T) == typeid(float))
        stringOutput = false;
        stringOutput = true;

    bool found = false;
    for(map<uint32, TrackInfo>::iterator itr = dieTracker.begin(); itr != dieTracker.end(); ++itr)
        if(itr->second.GUID == Guid)
            found = true;

        stringOutput ? return "never" : return sObjectMgr->FindCreature(Guid)->GetCreatureData()->spawntimesecs;

        return dieTracker.find(Guid)->second.seconds;
    float seconds = dieTracker.find(Guid)->second.seconds;
    uint64 secs    = seconds % 60;
    uint64 minutes = seconds % 3600 / 60;
    uint64 hours   = seconds % 86400  / 3600;
    uint64 days    = seconds / 86400;
    ostringstream ss;
        days != 1 ? ss << days << " Days " : ss << days << " Day ";
        hours != 1 ? ss << hours << " Hours" : ss << hours << " Hour";
        minutes != 1 ? ss << minutes << " Minutes " : ss << minutes << " Minutes ";
    if(secs || (!days && !hours && !minutes))
        secs != 1 ? ss << secs << " Seconds " : ss << secs << " Second ";
    ss << "ago";
    return ss.str();


  • If you want to define generic behaviour with a template, but override that behaviour for a handful of specific types, you should use a template specialisation.

    template<typename T>
    std::string GetTimeDead(uint64 Guid)
    { /* code to implement your version that returns std::string */
    float GetTimeDead<float>(uint64 Guid)
    { /* code to implement your version that returns float */

    The reason for your error at the moment is that you have defined the return type to be T. But your logic is set up so that if T is of type float the function tries to return a std::string. There is likely no implicit cast from std::string to T, hence the error.

    If you don't want to repeat common code, you could pull that out into a separate template function which is called by the two above.