I would like to make something like question and answers sites. I need votes and best answer on the comments. I've already done from scratch something but I don't like the appearence and I am looking for a ready template.
I found this one here but it is on facebook. I just like the template and the way it show the best answer.
I don't want to use something like disqus. I want to store comments on my own database.
Do you know any html&js template for this?
For ASP.NET, here is an open source project called Stacked: https://code.google.com/p/stacked/
There is an example of building a star rating system in ASP.NET MVC and jQuery which you might use for inspiration or code ideas - http://dotnet.dzone.com/news/building-star-rating-system
For C# there is an open source project on GitHub (which may no longer be active) : https://github.com/ripper234/Stack-Underflow/ It may not be supported any longer
Here is a stackoverflow clone that someone built in ASP.NET MVC for practice and documented his steps: http://ripper234.com/p/open-source-stackoverflow-clone-by-a-n00b-webdev/
Here is one for PHP called Question2Answer: http://www.question2answer.org/
Another for PHP called Qwench : http://anantgarg.com/2009/12/09/php-stackoverflow-clone/
And here is one for PHP ZendFramework: http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpancake/
If using wordpress, there is a plugin called Q&A: http://premium.wpmudev.org/project/qa-wordpress-questions-and-answers-plugin/
For Drupal, following this tutorial called 'building a stack overflow clone with Drupal' : http://engineeredweb.com/blog/09/11/building-stack-overflow-clone-drupal-part-1/ Drupal also has an answers module: http://drupal.org/project/answers
For Java there is AnswerHub: http://answerhub.com/
And for Javascript: https://github.com/fuadmuhammad/kerjakelompok/