I have created one SVG line chart. Please refer below screenshot.
Refer below SVG element for line chart.
<path id="Ram" fill="none" stroke-width="3" stroke="url(#container_Ram1Gradient)" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M 142.8 90.51999999999998 L 213.6 371.32 M 213.6 371.32 L 284.4 306.52 M 284.4 306.52 L 355.2 241.71999999999997 M 355.2 241.71999999999997 L 426 163.96000000000004 M 426 163.96000000000004 L 496.8 224.44000000000003 M 496.8 224.44000000000003 L 567.5999999999999 129.39999999999998 M 567.5999999999999 129.39999999999998 L 638.4 202.83999999999997 M 638.4 202.83999999999997 L 709.2 215.8 " clip-path="url(#ChartAreaClip)"/>
i want to perform animation in that line chart. that means the line chart will be displayed dynamically / it will draw on run time.
Please refer below link.
i dont want to use <animate> and <animateMotion>
or any thing related SVG animation . because some animation not working in all the browsers.
so i want to perform pure jquery animation (i.e using jquery.animate method). how can i create or apply the animation in line chart using jquery animate method or any other way ?
First you can store your data in an json object:
"John": [
"x": 142.8,
"y": 90.52
"x": 213.6,
"y": 371.32
The svg path will be something like this:
<path id="Ram" fill="none" stroke-width="3" stroke="url(#container_Ram1Gradient)" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-linejoin="round" d="" clip-path="url(#ChartAreaClip)"/>
Now you have to fill the path with javascript/jquery with something like this:
var counter = 0;
function addPoint(x, y, isFirst){
var new_point = (isFirst? " M " : " L ")+x+" "+y;
$('#Ram').attr("d", $('#Ram').attr("d")+""+new_point);
if(counter < John.length){
setTimeout(addPoint(John[counter].x, John[counter].y, false),200); // Add a new point after 200 milliseconds
addPoint(John[0].x, John[0].y, true);