I have some sample code from Glen Johnson's book Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3.
My 'app code' is as follows:
// Demo of how implementing inheritance works
var Vehicle = (function () {
function Vehicle(year, make, model) {
this.year = year;
this.make = make;
this.model = model;
Vehicle.prototype.getInfo = function () {
return this.year + ' ' + this.make + ' ' + this.model;
Vehicle.prototype.startEngine = function () {
return 'Vroom';
return Vehicle;
var Car = (function (parent) {
Car.prototype = new Vehicle();
Car.prototype.constructor = Car;
function Car(year, make, model) {
this.wheelQuantity = 4;
parent.call(this, year, make, model);
Car.prototype.getInfo = function () {
return 'Vehicle Type: Car ' + parent.prototype.getInfo.call(this);
return Car;
var Boat = (function (parent) {
Boat.prototype = new Vehicle();
Boat.prototype.constructor = Boat;
function Boat(year, make, model) {
this.propellerBladeQuality = 3;
parent.call(this, year, make, model);
Boat.prototype.getInfo = function() {
return 'Vehicle Type: Boat' + parent.prototype.getInfo.call(this);
My tests are as follows:
module("Implementing Inheritance", {});
test('Creating a Vehicle', function () {
var actual,
v = new Vehicle(2012, 'Toyota', 'Rav4');
actual = v.getInfo();
expected = '2012 Toyota Rav4';
equal(expected, actual);
actual = v.startEngine();
expected = 'Vroom';
equal(expected, actual);
test('Create a Car', function () {
var expectedYear = 2012,
expectedMake = 'Toyota',
expectedModel = 'Rav4',
c = new Car(expectedYear, expectedMake, expectedModel);
equal(c.year, expectedYear, 'Year');
equal(c.make, expectedMake, 'Make');
equal(c.model, expectedModel, 'Model');
equal(c.wheelQuantity, 4, 'wheelQuality');
equal(c.getInfo(), 'Vehicle Type: Car ' + expectedYear + ' ' + expectedMake + ' ' + expectedModel, 'getInfo()');
test('Create a Boat', function () {
var expectedYear = 12334,
expectedMake = 'dummy-make',
expectedModel = 'dummy-model',
expectedPropellerBladeQuality = 3,
b = new Boat(expectedYear, expectedMake, expectedModel);
equal(b.year, expectedYear, 'Year');
equal(b.make, expectedMake, 'Make');
equal(b.model, expectedModel, 'Model');
equal(b.propellerBladeQuality, expectedPropellerBladeQuality, 'propellerBladeQuality');
equal(b.getInfo(), 'Vehicle Type: Boat ' + expectedYear + ' ' + expectedMake + ' ' + expectedModel, 'getInfo()');
When they are run, the Create a Car test passes, however the Create a Boat test fails with the following exception:
Died on test #1 at file:///C://JavaScript_Samples/tests/implementingInheritance.js:33:1: undefined is not a function
TypeError: undefined is not a function
at Object.<anonymous> (file:///C:/JavaScript_Samples/tests/implementingInheritance.js:40:13)
I can't see the reason for this, the code for both the Car
and the Boat
seem identical to me.
I've tried this in Chrome and Firefox, the results are the same in both.
Any advise?
You are missing the return
statement for the created Boat
var Boat = (function (parent) {
Boat.prototype = new Vehicle();
Boat.prototype.constructor = Boat;
function Boat(year, make, model) {
this.propellerBladeQuality = 3;
parent.call(this, year, make, model);
Boat.prototype.getInfo = function() {
return 'Vehicle Type: Boat' + parent.prototype.getInfo.call(this);
// insert return statement here
return Boat;