I have tried googling a lot of things, but couldn't find the answer - so I was hoping somebody could help me out!
What I'm trying to do: On my winform application I need to select the computername through a combobox, upon selection, my listbox will be populated with the some data about the computer (softwarename, version and stuff)
The combobox is working but I only get the id, not all the other fields.
My Listview, which is using the database call, listed bellow:
clSoftwarePerPC SF = new clSoftwarePerPC();
DataTable DT = SF.SelectSoftware(ZoekId);
// voor iedere rij een nieuw nummer geven (r)
for (int r = 0; r < DT.Rows.Count; r++)
LVI = new ListViewItem();
// cdnummer als titel
//LVI.Text = (string)(DT.Rows[r]["idComputer"]);
LVI.Text = ((string)(DT.Rows[r]["IDInstallatie"]).ToString());
// titels toevoegen in deze kolom
LVI.Tag = (((string)(DT.Rows[r]["IDInstallatie"]).ToString()));
// alle opgevraagde velden weergeven
// wanneer er records zijn
if (DT.Rows.Count > 0)
// eerste rij selecteren
lv.Items[0].Selected = true;
My database call (working and tested) / clSoftwarePerPC:
public DataTable SelectSoftware(string ZoekId)
// selecteren van alle inhoud van tabel Computers en orderen op Merk naam
// string SQL = "select * from SoftwareOpComputer order by IDComputer where Model = '" + ZoekId + "'";
string SQL = "select * from Software, SoftwareOpComputer where software.IDSoftware = SoftwareOpComputer.IDSoftware and SoftwareOpComputer.IDComputer = '" + ZoekId + "'";
// uitoveren van query
return clDatabase.executeSelect(SQL);
* the select is now: select * from [table names]
I've tried to use the full location like this one: Software.Version
, but this didn't work either.
The ZoekId is the value from the combobox where I selected my computer.
The database: my databse looks like this: pbs.twimg.com/media/BJw-wD9CMAACZiO.jpg:large I need fields like: SoftwareOpComputer.Versie, SoftwareOpComputer.UpdateDatum, Software.Softwarenaam, Software.Ontwikkelaar.
When I use this method and use only one table (the other pages of my application) it works, but when I use this screen and need 2 tables it doesn't work.
I will try to use a join instead.
string SQL = "select c.Versie, c.UpdateDatum, s.Softwarenaam, s.Ontwikkelaarfrom " +
"FROM Software s INNER JOIN SoftwareOpComputer c " +
"ON s.IDSoftware = c.IDSoftware " +
"WHERE c.IDComputer = '" + ZoekId + "'";
This will produce a join between Software and SotwareOpComputer. It returns all the rows from Software
and SoftwareOpComputer
tables that have a matched ID
excluding the rows that don't have a matching ID and then the WHERE condition limits the output.
Unfortunately, you use a method clDatabase.executeSelect
that doesn't seem to allow to pass a parameter to avoid the string concatenation. I suggest you to search about Parametrized query and Sql Injection to realize how this code is weak
Here some documentation on JOIN
Another aspect that I wish to improve is the loop that add the rows to the ListView
foreach (DataRow row in DT.Rows)
LVI = new ListViewItem();
LVI.Text = row.Field<string>("IDInstallatie"));
.... etc ...