I have one excel file which is having data like following
CUSIP Quantity Date Price
AF0 500000 5/6/2013 1
AE4 400000 5/6/2013 1.0825
AE4 500 5/6/2013 1
I need to check for column CUSIP
and Date
If I'm having duplicate CUSIP
for same date
then I need to do following calculation.
1.Need to add
for both of them instead of showing duplicate records need to show only one record( sum of Quantity).2.Need to do calculation on Price as well like following
NewPrice = ((400000 * 1.0825) + (500 * 1.00))/(400000 + 500) = 1.08148
For example in using above data Need to show output like
CUSIP Quantity Date Price
AF0 500000 5/6/2013 1
AE4 400500 5/6/2013 1.082397004
How do I achieve this in excel file using LOOKUP or else ?
Okay, after quite some research (interesting question by the way!), I came up with this:
Put these in cell D2 and E2 respectively (which is the next column after Price
and in the row of CUSIP AF0
And fill to the bottom of the worksheet to get the weighted average price or each CUSIP.
The first formula gives you the total quantity for the CUSIP and the second gives you the average price.
Copy and paste values for those two columns after calculation.
Put a filter and remove all the rows where the total quantity and average price is blank, and sort to make the worksheet neat.
Let me know if this works for you! I tried it on your sample data and it seems to be working. It's my first time using SUMPRODUCT
This bit returns the rows from column A where it equals to the row's CUSIP.
This additional bit tells excel to multiply the values in column B and D of each returned row found above and SUMPRODUCT
adds each result together.
I actually forgot about the date. You could maybe add a helper column where you'll generate an identifier to separate the different dates. To make it, you'll have to make a concatenate
Hence in cell F2, you put:
In the formulae for cells D2 and E2, you will have to change them so they become:
reEDIT: Oops, put the wrong reference. Fixed now.