I check if one of two text inputs have text, using webshim, and think custom-validity sounds correct. http://afarkas.github.io/webshim/demos/demos/webforms/4-webforms-custom-validity.html
There is a method called addCustomValidityRule
that looks like this:
$.webshims.addCustomValidityRule('testname', function (elem, value) {
if (value && $(elem).hasClass('test-class') && value != 'foo bar baz') {
return true; //means yes, it's not valid
} else {
return false; //no, it is valid
}, 'you have to enter foo bar baz');
But I can't find any way to trigger it. How do I trigger or run it on "submit click"?
Found another way to soulve this, if anyone know the answear on my original question please tell, good to know anyway :)
Simple like this with webshim:
@Html.TextBoxFor(x => x.MessageHeader)
<textarea id="MessageText" name="MessageText" data-dependent-validation='{"from": "MessageHeader", "prop": "required", "toggle": true}' />
More info about this here: http://afarkas.github.io/webshim/demos/demos/webforms/4-webforms-custom-validity.html