I have a "sequence.dat" file that contains "1"s and "-1"s in a vertical representation (i.e.: each element is in a single line).. I am trying to read the file as follow:
QFile sequence("Sequences.dat");
QByteArray data = sequence.readAll();
for(int i=0; i<29; i++){
signedNo[i] = data[i]; // debugging breaking point
however, at the debugging breaking point, the QByteArray
"data" contains "1, -, 1, \n" instead of "1,-1" ...
is there is away to read the whole line at once and not each byte individually ? and ...
if there is not, how to tell the "readAll
" function to avoid the "\n" (it is not an optimal solution because I want also to read "-1" and not "- and 1" separately)
returns a byte array which contains each and every byte of the file as a separate element.
For your use case, you need to read the file line by line.
The QFile documentation shows some approaches how to do this, for example:
QVector<int> elements;
QFile sequence("Sequences.dat");
if (!sequence.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text))
QTextStream in(&sequence);
while (!in.atEnd()) {
QString line = in.readLine();
Despite the fact that this sample is from the Qt documentation, I would recommend to check the return value from in.readLine()
which returns a null QString
when the end of the file has been reached, instead of using atEnd()