I have a file called "sequence_30.dat" that contains a sequence of 1 and -1 in a vertical representation (i.e.: each 1 or -1 is in a separate line) .. I am trying to read the file for another operation using the following code:
int length = 31
QFile file("sequence_"+ (static_cast<QString>(length)) +".dat");
but when debugging, the compiler skips the "if(file.exists())
" statement and when it is removed the compiler again skips the "if(file.isOpen())
" statement
I am very sure that path is correct, but if is not how to make sure that I am in the right path (i.e.: is there is a way to check where am I reading from) .. and if the path is correct why my file is not opening ?
Should be:
QString::number( length )
You can check it by just printing it out to the console:
cout << qPrintable( QString( "sequence_" ) +
QString::number( length ) + ".dat" ) << endl;