I tried to print an object of this class:
define class <bill> (<object>)
slot num :: <string>;
slot ref :: <string>;
end class <bill>;
I can make a method like say
define method say (bill : <bill>) => ();
format-out("num:%s\n", bill.num);
format-out("ref:%s\n", bill.ref);
end method say;
but I want a method to convert the object to <string>
that can be used like
format-out("%s\n", bill);
format-out("%s\n", as(<string>, bill));
format-out("%=\n", bill);
I tried
define method as(type == <string>, bill :: <bill>)
=> (s :: <string>);
let result :: <stretchy-vector> = make(<stretchy-vector>);
add!(result, bill.num);
add!(result, bill.ref);
join(result, " ");
end method as;
but with:
format-out("\%s\n", as(<string>,bill));
I had this result
Object {<bill>} cannot be converted to class {<class>: <string>}
Object {<bill> 0x1ff8180} cannot be converted to class {class <string> 0x7f5d5c645c00}
Breaking into debugger.
Trace/breakpoint trap
An with this:
format-out("%s\n", bill);
that result:
{<bill> #x00000000025EF1B0}
What I'm doing wrong? What is the standard (idiomatic) way of printing an object?
The idiomatic way to adding support for printing an object is by specializing print-object. But if you want to be able to convert object representation to string, specializing as generic is the way to go, as you did. It works here, so maybe there's a bug somewhere:
module: bill
define class <bill> (<object>)
constant slot num :: <string>, init-keyword: num:;
constant slot ref :: <string>, init-keyword: ref:
end class <bill>;
define method as(type == <string>, bill :: <bill>) => (s :: <string>);
join(vector(bill.num, bill.ref), " ");
end method as;
format-out("%=\n", as(<string>, make(<bill>, num: "1", ref: "a")));
$ bill
"1 a"