Magento ver.
When creating an account (/customer/account/create) I get the error "The last name cannot be empty." even though I entered a last name.
In the controller...
..I added a var_dump() at line 277 (createPostAction)
// die(var_dump($_POST));
// result
array(7) {
["success_url"]=> string(0) ""
["error_url"]=> string(0) ""
["firstname"]=> string(3) "Jon"
["lastname"]=> string(8) "Chambers"
["email"]=> string(21) "[email protected]"
["password"]=> string(8) "password"
["confirmation"]=> string(8) "password"
The "lastname" is being passed in the $_POST but it is not being added to $customerData.
// die(var_dump($customerData));
// Result
array(2) {
["firstname"]=> string(3) "Jon"
["email"]=> string(21) "[email protected]"
Has anyone run into this before or know a workaround for it?
It was a long road... thanks to Slayer Birden who got me started in the right direction. From there I saw that lastname did not register in any inputs (create account, customer info, etc).
I ended replacing all the [database]_customer_...
That got me back on track and it's all working again, phew!
If you check method Mage_Eav_Model_Form::extractData
you'll see that it iterates the entity attributes and tries to set data for them.
So you need to check if you have all your customer attributes in place.