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qTip2 | jQuery "on" method with a different target

I'm using the very handy qTip2 library.

I have a table which regularly gets replaced when making various ajax requests. I would like a qtip to display at the top of a particular column in the table when the cursor hovers over a <td> in that column. To achieve this I've used the $('body').on(...) method with the <th> as the selector and then setting the selector of "" to be the relevant <td> via a class assignment.

I've got it working apart from 2 points:

  • The qtip isn't created until I hover over the <th> at least once
  • Once the qtip displays when I hover over the <td>, it won't hide until I hover and leave the <th>

Here is the code:

// Create the tooltips only when document ready
$(document).ready(function () {

    var timeOut = setTimeout(function () {
        var tableHtml = '<table><tr><th>Col 1</th><th class="col-2-header">Col 2</th></tr><tr><td>Row Label 1</td><td class="col-2">Val 1</td></tr><tr><td>Row Label 2</td><td class="col-2">Val 2</td></tr><tr><td>Row Label 3</td><td class="col-2">Val 3</td></tr></table>';
    }, 100);

    $("body").on("mouseover", '.col-2-header', function (e) {
            overwrite: false,
            position: {
                my: 'bottom center',
                at: 'top center',
                viewport: $(window)
            content: 'Some test content...',
            show: {
                event: e.type,
                ready: true,
                target: $('td.col-2')
        }, e);


Any pointers welcome.

Thanks, Lee


  • I made a few changes to your qTip definition. Instead of running .on for the header, it gets run for anything with the .col-2 class (Gave that class to the header as well) and set a position target for the header column.

    New jsFiddle

    // Create the tooltips only when document ready
    $(document).ready(function () {
        var timeOut = setTimeout(function () {
            var tableHtml = '<table><tr><th>Col 1</th><th class="col-2-header col-2">Col 2</th></tr><tr><td>Row Label 1</td><td class="col-2">Val 1</td></tr><tr><td>Row Label 2</td><td class="col-2">Val 2</td></tr><tr><td>Row Label 3</td><td class="col-2">Val 3</td></tr></table>';
        }, 100);
        $("body").on("mouseover", '.col-2', function (e) {
                overwrite: false,
                position: {
                    my: 'bottom center',
                    at: 'top center',
                    viewport: $(window),
                    target: $(".col-2-header")
                content: 'Some test content...',
                show: {
                    event: e.type,
                    ready: true
            }, e);

    Edit: This seems like a partial fix as the qTip recreates itself when mousing between cells. Might be fixable by playing with the hide: event.