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Fulltext search with Simple.Data

I am trying out Simple.Data ORM. Is there a way take advantage of sql server's full text search with Simple.Data ORM? I found methods to use the wild card search but did not see anything for full text search. The wild card search is not very useful in my case because I have close to half a million rows to deal with.

I went through the Simple.Data documentation . I didn't see any mention of full text search.

Thanks advance.


  • You should be able to use Contains or Freetext as methods on a TEXT or NTEXT column, passing a string parameter, but there is no support for anything like FORMS OF; that's a bit too specific to SQL Server.


    var dubstepAlbums = db.Albums.FindAll(db.Albums.Description.Contains("dub-step"));

    If that doesn't work, please report it as a bug at the project Site.