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windows XP can't terminate javaw.exe on shutdown

I configured a computer with windows xp to work as a kiosk, at start-up the system runs my java application at full screen. The computer has not a keyboard neither a mouse. To shutdown the system the user have to push the power button. On shutdown the application disappear but windows show the "End program - javaw.exe" dialog with two buttons, "End now" and "Cancel". So the user have to interact with any input device to proceed.

How can I avoid this behavior?

Just to be clear, below the dialog that appears on power click, when the progress bar is complete the second one is shown. (I can't get a nice screen capture because windows doesn't let me open programs to paste the image from the clipboard after the power click)

enter image description here

enter image description here


  • Solved using java.exe instead of javaw.exe to launch my java program.