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GMLib Simple directions sample

someone could give me a simple sample how could i implement the follow situation using GMLib: I have some address(street, number, city) e i would like to make a route using the google maps connecting all of them. I am using Delphi XE2. Thanks very much!


  • You need a TWebBrowser, a TGMMap and a TGMDirection and connect the components so:

    TGMDirection.Map -> TGMMap TGMMap.WebBrowser -> TWebBrowser

    Active TGMMap (Active := true) and on AfterPageLoaded event put this code:

    procedure TMainFrm.GMMap1AfterPageLoaded(Sender: TObject; First: Boolean);
      if First then GMMap1.DoMap;

    Now, you only need to configure your TGMDirection with Origin and Destination address and call Execute method:

    // minimum config
    TGMDirection.DirectionsRequest.Origin.Address := 'Origin address';
    TGMDirection.DirectionsRequest.Destination.Address := 'Destination address';

    You need to know that all call to Execute method create a new Item into DirectionsResult array. This array have Count items (0 based). Also you need to know that each result can return (if Status = dsOK) 1 or more results stored into Routes array (0 based too).

    TGMDirection.DirectionsResult -> array with all request
    TGMDirection.DirectionsResult[X].Routes -> array with all results of a request if Status = dsOK
