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I'm trying to detect when a user is done using a client program with a GUI so that when they close the JFrame for example by Xing it, I can then close the socket connections.
But I'm unable to make anything happen when user closes JFrame. I was informed that I need to use WindowListener with my JFrame but it doesn't seem to work. My class extends JFrame and here is part of the constructor setting up the JFrame:
final JFrame thisFrame = this;
thisFrame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e) {
System.out.println("User has closed window");
The println inside doesn't get printed which is why I think it doesn't work. Am I doing it right or do I need to do something additional?
won't be called because the JVM has been closed in response to the setDefaultCloseOperation
been set to JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE
Use windowClosing
instead or change the defaultCloseOperation