From C# code I'm trying to retrieve all the namespaces from powershell... (Later more complex things, like creating namespaces)
PowerShell ps = PowerShell.Create();
var result = ps.AddCommand("Get-SBNamespace").Invoke();
Above code gives the following exception:
The 'Get-SBNamespace' command was found in the module 'ServiceBus', but the module could not be loaded. For more information, run 'Import-Module ServiceBus'.
Does anyone know how to solve this error?
CURRENT STATUS: after some debugging I've found that no modules are loaded by default in the PowerShell object. Using the code:
InitialSessionState iss = InitialSessionState.CreateDefault();
iss.ImportPSModule(new string[]{@"serviceBus"});
PowerShell ps = PowerShell.Create(iss);
doesn't work to load the service bus module. Also the code:
ps.AddCommand("Import-Module").AddParameter("-Name", "serviceBus").Invoke();
doesn't work to import the service bus module. Running Visual Studio in administrator mode also doesn't make a difference
Thanks in advance
You didn't say which version of Visual Studio you're using. If it's VS 2012, when you tried the x64 platform target did you make sure that "Prefer 32-bit" was not checked? Even if it was not checked try checking it, saving the project configuration, clearing it and saving again - this worked for me on another project.
It's been suggested elsewhere that there's a bug in VS2012 that shows "Prefer 32-bit" as greyed-out and unchecked when it's actually active. I'm running Update 2 and I don't see that. But it sounds like you might be. I suggest you edit the .csproj file directly.
Whilst "Platform Target" is set at "Any CPU", in Solution Explorer, right-click on the Project name (or, with go to the PROJECT menu) and select "Unload Project". Project files will close and Solution Explorer will display project name (unavailable) > The project file was unloaded:
Right-click on the Project name again and select "Edit project name.csproj". The file is XML and mostly comprises PropertyGroup and ItemGroup elements. In a console project, the first PropertyGroup usually contains a Platform element which should read AnyCPU if you followed my instructions above. The next two PropertyGroups are normally for Debug and Release configurations. If you've added another configuration, it will have its own PropertyGroup. In each of these, look for an element which reads:
What you should have is an element which reads:
Either change it or insert it (in each configuration ProjectGroup), save the file and close it. Back in Solution Explorer, right-click the project and select "Reload Project". Let me know if that solves it. You can confirm your PowerShell is now running 64-bit by get the result of
which will be 4 in an x86 process and 8 in an x64 process.
Which my project set up like this, I was able to load ServiceBus using:
Hopefully, you will, too.