When I attempt to assign a variable to that iterator, i get the error: expected a ";"
, where vec
is a thrust::device_vector<my_type>
, j
is some int
, and my_type
is a template type:
for (thrust::device_vector<my_type>::iterator i = vec.begin(); i < vec.end(); i += j) Foo(i);
Is this the correct way to loop over the vector? Am I declaring i
as the correct type?
Standard containers use iterators for traversing through a collection of other objects (i.e. its elements), since iterator is abstract concept implemented in all standard containers, you can implement iterators in the following way:
typename thrust::device_vector<my_type>::iterator it = vec.begin();
for (it; it != vec.end(); it = it+j)
Here's a reference to STL containers: http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/stl/