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Android: Master Detail flow, onItemClick() not triggered

This is my first attempt to a Master-Detail flow application, and i'm a bit lost. I used the Android SDK to create the dummy project and I created a custom ArrayAdapter to replace the plain text list. Now each row has a textfield and a switch. Everything appears normal on the screen, but the problem now is that when i click on a row, nothing happens. I think i'm missing something obvious but i've been looking at it for quite a few hours. I'm guessing i'm doing something wrong with the callbacks. But i don't know what! Here is the code:

public class ServerListActivity extends FragmentActivity implements
    ServerListFragment.Callbacks {

private boolean mTwoPane;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    if (findViewById( != null) {
        //in two-pane mode.
        mTwoPane = true;
        ((ServerListFragment) getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentById(

 * Callback method from {@link ServerListFragment.Callbacks} indicating that
 * the item with the given ID was selected.
public void onItemSelected(String id) {
    Log.i("info", "item selected");
    if (mTwoPane) {
        Bundle arguments = new Bundle();
        arguments.putString(ServerDetailFragment.ARG_ITEM_ID, id);
        ServerDetailFragment fragment = new ServerDetailFragment();
                .replace(, fragment).commit();

    } else {
        Intent detailIntent = new Intent(this, ServerDetailActivity.class);
        detailIntent.putExtra(ServerDetailFragment.ARG_ITEM_ID, id);


public class ServerListFragment extends ListFragment {

private static final String STATE_ACTIVATED_POSITION = "activated_position";
private Callbacks mCallbacks = sDummyCallbacks;
private int mActivatedPosition = ListView.INVALID_POSITION;

public interface Callbacks {
    public void onItemSelected(String id);

private static Callbacks sDummyCallbacks = new Callbacks() {
    public void onItemSelected(String id) {

public ServerListFragment() {

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    setListAdapter(new ServerAdapter(getActivity(),
            R.layout.server_row, ,

public void onViewCreated(View view, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState);
    Log.i("info", "List Fragment Created");
    if (savedInstanceState != null && savedInstanceState.containsKey(STATE_ACTIVATED_POSITION)) {

public void onAttach(Activity activity) {
    Log.i("info", "this runs");
    if (!(activity instanceof Callbacks)) {
        Log.i("info", "callbacks not found");
        throw new IllegalStateException(
                "Activity must implement fragment's callbacks.");

    mCallbacks = (Callbacks) activity;

public void onDetach() {

    mCallbacks = sDummyCallbacks;

public void onListItemClick(ListView listView, View view, int position,
        long id) {
    super.onListItemClick(listView, view, position, id);

    // Notify the active callbacks interface (the activity, if the
    // fragment is attached to one) that an item has been selected.
    Log.i("info", "this doesn't run");

public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {
    if (mActivatedPosition != ListView.INVALID_POSITION) {
        // Serialize and persist the activated item position.
        outState.putInt(STATE_ACTIVATED_POSITION, mActivatedPosition);

public void setActivateOnItemClick(boolean activateOnItemClick) {
    // When setting CHOICE_MODE_SINGLE, ListView will automatically
    // give items the 'activated' state when touched.
            activateOnItemClick ? ListView.CHOICE_MODE_SINGLE
                    : ListView.CHOICE_MODE_NONE);

private void setActivatedPosition(int position) {
    if (position == ListView.INVALID_POSITION) {
        getListView().setItemChecked(mActivatedPosition, false);
    } else {
        getListView().setItemChecked(position, true);

    mActivatedPosition = position;


public class ServerAdapter extends ArrayAdapter<Server>{

private ArrayList<Server> objects;

public ServerAdapter(Context context, int textViewResourceId, int view2, ArrayList<Server> objects) {
    super(context, textViewResourceId, view2, objects);
    this.objects = objects;

public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent){

    View v = convertView;

    if (v == null) {
        LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) getContext().getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
        v = inflater.inflate(R.layout.server_row, null);

    Server i = objects.get(position);

    if (i != null) {

        TextView tt = (TextView) v.findViewById(;

        if (tt != null){

    // the view must be returned to our activity
    return v;




  • Turns out I had to add a property to the top level element of my xml


    apparently this stops child elements from overriding the click listeners of the list item.