I have lots of computations, specially multiplication, where first part is sometimes zero and I don't want to evaluate second operand in that case. There are at least two short-circuit operators in C#: &&
and ||
which evaluate second operand only if necessary. I want to achieve similar behavior with multiplication operator.
In .net you can't overload &&
operator directly, but you can overload &
and false
operators, so you can use your extension points to change behavior of short-circuit operator. You can find more details at this article C# operator overloading: the ‘&&’ operator
Is there any means to achieve this or similar behavior for multiplication operator?
This is a pure syntax question, because implementation is very simple. Next method achieves exactly what I want in terms of functionality:
public static double ShortCircuitMultiply(double val, Func<double> anotherValue)
var epsilon = 0.00000001;
return Math.Abs(val) < epsilon ? 0 : val * anotherValue();
Note: this implementation is not full: in C# if you multiply 0.0
or Double.NegativeInfinity
or Double.PositiveInfinity
, you'll get NaN
, but in terms of ShortCircuitMultiply
- only zero. Let's ignore this detail and it's really irrelevant in my domain.
So now if I call it as ShortCircuitMultiply(0.0, longOperation)
where longOperation
is Func<double>
, last term won't be evaluated and result of an operation will be effectively zero.
The problem is, as I already stated, I would have lots of ShortCircuitMultiply
calls and I want to make code more readable. I want code to be similar to 0.0 * longOperation()
if that is possible.
Another note: I've tried to build wrapper on double
and create implicit casting to double and also overload *
operator. I understand, that this is probably redundant: I wanted to acheive readability, but trying to build yet another wrapper. Anyway, next code demonstrates my intent:
class MyDouble
double value;
public MyDouble(double value)
this.value = value;
public static MyDouble operator *(MyDouble left, MyDouble right)
Console.WriteLine ("* operator call");
return new MyDouble(left.value * right.value);
public static implicit operator double(MyDouble myDouble)
Console.WriteLine ("cast to double");
return myDouble.value;
public static implicit operator MyDouble(double value)
Console.WriteLine ("cast to MyDouble");
return new MyDouble(value);
Now if I go with:
MyDouble zero = 0;
Console.WriteLine (zero * longOperation()); //longOperation is still Func<double>
I've receive:
cast to MyDouble
called longOperation <-- want to avoid this (it's printed from longOperation body)
cast to double
cast to MyDouble
* operator call
cast to double
But as you can see, longOperation
is evaluated long before overloaded operator is called, and I can't substitute one of the parameters with Func
or Expression
to make it lazy.
The problem with your MyDouble
wrapper class is that you use it by calling longOperation
directly. As *
is not short circuiting, it will be called directly.
Instead, you could just make your wrapper accept a Func<double>
as the second parameter instead of the double value itself. So it would work like the ShortCircuitMultiply
public static MyDouble operator *(MyDouble left, Func<double> right)
return Math.Abs(left.value) < epsilon ? new MyDouble(0) : new MyDouble(left.value * right());
Then you would use it like this:
MyDouble x = 0;
Console.WriteLine(x * LongOperation);
And even chaining works:
MyDouble x = 5;
Console.WriteLine(x * OperationReturingZero * LongOperation);
class Program
static void Main()
MyDouble x = 0;
Console.WriteLine(x * LongOperation);
MyDouble y = 5;
Console.WriteLine(y * OperationReturningZero * LongOperation);
private static double LongOperation()
return 5;
private static double OperationReturningZero()
return 0;
class MyDouble
private static double epsilon = 0.00000001;
private double value;
public MyDouble(double value)
this.value = value;
public static MyDouble operator *(MyDouble left, Func<double> right)
Console.WriteLine("* (MyDouble, Func<double>)");
return Math.Abs(left.value) < epsilon ? new MyDouble(0) : new MyDouble(left.value * right());
public static MyDouble operator *(MyDouble left, MyDouble right)
Console.WriteLine("* (MyDouble, MyDouble)");
return new MyDouble(left.value * right.value);
public static implicit operator double(MyDouble myDouble)
Console.WriteLine("cast to double");
return myDouble.value;
public static implicit operator MyDouble(double value)
Console.WriteLine("cast to MyDouble");
return new MyDouble(value);
cast to MyDouble
* (MyDouble, Func<double>)
cast to double
cast to MyDouble
* (MyDouble, Func<double>)
* (MyDouble, Func<double>)
cast to double