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Converting XML file elements into a PHP array

I'm trying to convert a Steam group members list XML file into an array by using Php. The XML file is:

The elements are the member's steam IDs, such as 76561198000264284

How can I go about doing this?

Edit: So far I've used something like this:

$array = json_decode(json_encode((array)simplexml_load_string($xml)),1); 

It outputs the first few elements, not ones specifically from


  • This should return the fully accessible array:

    $get = file_get_contents('');
    $arr = simplexml_load_string($get);

    You can now access items like this:

    echo $arr->groupID64;
    echo $arr->members->steamID64; 

    Edit: To parse the streamID, you can do a for loop

    $ids = $arr->members->steamID64;
    foreach($ids as $id) {
        echo $id;