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ScheduledExecutorService usage and cleaning up of locked socket instream

Motivation for this question I am running a huge product that runs on very expensive hardware. Shutting it down for testing purpose is not possible, nor is putting up a bad jar on production environment. I need to be as sure as possible to almost ensure that I don't mess up the production environment.

I need the below code reviewed for obvious issues before I run this on the staging setup (which is as expensive).

Problem I have a socket based application, sometimes the clients dont send a CloseConnection request explicitly. And sometimes the IOException does not occur, there by holding up the threads on the blocking readObject call.

I need to close free this thread by closing the connection after a time out. If I get a new request from the server the timeout is refreshed.

So you will see 3 parts below

  • initializing
  • the readObject call in a while(true) loop, and the scheduled service reset
  • the actual closing of the instream


I have been advised to use ScheduledExecutorService instead of Timer/TimerTask.

class StreamManager {
    private ScheduledExecutorService activityTimeOut = Executors
    private CloseConnectionOnTimeOut closeOnTimeOut = new CloseConnectionOnTimeOut();

    public void initialize(Socket newClientSocket, ObjectInputStream newInputStream,
            ObjectOutputStream newOutputStream, ThreadMonitor newThreadMonitor) {
        activityTimeOut.scheduleAtFixedRate(closeOnTimeOut, 0, Globals.INACTIVITY_TIME_OUT,

    public void run() {
    while (true) {
            try {
                AMessageStrategy incomingCommand = (AMessageStrategy) myInputStream
                activityTimeOut.scheduleAtFixedRate(closeOnTimeOut, 0,
                        Globals.INACTIVITY_TIME_OUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
 class CloseConnectionOnTimeOut implements Runnable {
        private ObjectInputStream myInputStream;

        public CloseConnectionOnTimeOut() {


        public void setInputStream(ObjectInputStream myInputStream) {
            this.myInputStream = myInputStream;

        public void run() {
            try {
      "Time out occured for client, closed connection forcefully.") ;
            } catch (IOException e) {
                log.fatal("Time out has occured, yet unable to clean up client connection. Keep a watch out on \"Size of clientStreamQ\"");

Edit : Just tested a smaller application, and it seems to work. I still need your feedback.

Edit Again :

I have modified the code below as per advice.


private ScheduledExecutorService activityTimeOut = Executors
    private Future<Void> timeoutTask ;
    private CloseConnectionOnTimeOut closeOnTimeOut = new CloseConnectionOnTimeOut(); 

Removed this code

activityTimeOut.scheduleAtFixedRate(closeOnTimeOut, 0, Globals.INACTIVITY_TIME_OUT,

Replaced before and after readObject

timeoutTask = (Future<Void>) activityTimeOut.scheduleAtFixedRate(
                        closeOnTimeOut.setInputStream(myInputStream), 0,
                        Globals.INACTIVITY_TIME_OUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
AMessageStrategy incomingCommand = (AMessageStrategy) myInputStream
timeoutTask.cancel(true) ;  

On Cleanup

activityTimeOut.shutdown() ;


  • You cannot submit tasks to an ExecutorService that was already shut down. If you want to stop a task executing, cancel it. Besides that, your cancel task will be scheduled to run as soon as the StreamManager is initialized - if there is a gap between initialize and run you could get into trouble. I would suggest to create and schedule a new task right before attempting to read from the socket, and cancel it after the read succeeded:

    while (true) {
       Future<Void> timeoutTask = activityTimeOut.schedule(new CloseConnection(/*init with streams*/), Globals.INACTIVITY_TIME_OUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
       try {
          AMessageStrategy incomingCommand = (AMessageStrategy) myInputStream.readObject();
       } finally {

    In a clean up method of the StreamManager or at the end of run() you should shutdown the used ScheduledExecutorService.

    If your software is mission critical I would thoroughly test it locally. Write unit tests and perhaps small integration tests to verify that the cancelling works. But I'm afraid that this solution is rather brittle. Multi-threading and IO add a lot of uncertainties.