I'm trying to configure web api area to allow me to pass an optional format extension. Here is my RegisterArea
method's code:
public override void RegisterArea(AreaRegistrationContext context)
name: "Api_default",
routeTemplate: @"Api/{controller}/{action}/{id}.{ext}",
defaults: new
action = "Index",
id = RouteParameter.Optional,
formatter = RouteParameter.Optional
constraints: new
id = @"[0-9]+",
controller = @"[^\.]+",
ext = @"json|xml"
new UriPathExtensionMapping("json", "application/json")
new UriPathExtensionMapping("xml", "application/xml")
Now, if I go to http://www.example.com/api/countries it works fine, but when I try http://www.example.com/api/countries.json gives me
No type was found that matches the controller named 'countries.json'.
What am I doing wrong?
Found the issue! The code above is correct. But, I'm using AttributeRouting, which added a AttributeRoutingHttpConfig.cs
to my App_Start folder and was messing things up. So, if you run into this issue, check that!